Imperialist policy of depopulation -
An on-site testimony
Father Giorgio, of monastic and medical training, exercises his ministry in Latin America, the Far East and other parts of the world. He has witnessed the attempted infiltration in those countries of the culture of death, driven by anti-woman and anti-family ideas; and achieved by means of contraception, abortions, forced sterilizations, abortive vaccines, perversion of the intelligence by the media (direct or subliminal messages), deceit, etc.
He is currently touring Europe to denounce imperialism eugenics, through conferences, radio, etc.
Why the culture of death?
Money is not the primary driver of the culture of death: it is essentially a spiritual fight; St. Paul says that our fight is not against human beings but against the powers of evil, that is against Evil itself, the devil.
I think it is important, because we are in the presence of the battle of the angel of darkness, Lucifer, Satan, against God. He knows very well that it is a lost fight, but as the devil cannot touch God, he will try to touch Him in his creation especially in His most precious creatures: the immortal souls; preventing God from creating them to fill Heaven with God’s elect and precipitating as many souls as possible in Hell. Hence, two main types of attacks:
1) make the world apostate, rejecting his Creator by multiplying the temptations and making life in grace almost impossible for Christians.
2) destroy the entity family-wife-sex. He started from the earthly paradise as the sentence he received («she will crush your head», Genesis 3:15) remained stuck in his throat. His enemy is the woman in her double mystery of Virginity and Motherhood; initially he will trigger the attack against her. God did not create souls alone but actually co-created them with a human couple, thanks to the extraordinary gift of "sexuality" – which God did not give the angels – within the family and most particularly in the woman’s body.
Sexuality is something extraordinary that God invented, and the opponent has found it relatively easy to corrupt humans by diverting this gift from its objectives. In his work of destruction, he uses a number of powerful international and sectarian organizations, all linked to the eugenic ideology.
For almost a century, these organizations have made a work of considerable influence, while the churches have almost given them carte blanche.
The method applied to the Third World
U.S. family planning has successfully exerted pressure on American politicians. In 1969 their Vice-President, Frederick S. Jaffe (Planned Parenthood Federation of America), summarized the thirty steps he advocated to reduce fertility1:
- Restructure the family through marriage taxation and charge an extra tax per child.
- Force women to work outside without providing day-care centers.
- Limit or eliminate aid to motherhood and to large families.
- Force abortion on unmarried women.
- Establishment of pregnancy permits.
- Various financial incentives for contraception, sterilization and abortion.
- Compulsory sterilization after the second child.
- Encourage young people to homosexuality or sexual promiscuity outside of marriage.
- Infect drinking water systems with contraceptives.
- etc.
All these measures are designed to be imposed on countries in exchange for promises of economic or any other type of aid.
This eugenics policy has become a reality which is more and more present and we can observe it now:
- The promotion of abortion defined as a fundamental right of women2.
- Poisoning of drinking water systems and food supplements – oddly exclusively reserved for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding – with contraceptives.
- Campaigns of forced sterilization and the imposition of quotas regarding tubal ligations, vasectomies, insertion of IUDs, abortifacient implants (Norplant.)
- Vaccinations with vaccines that routinely include contraceptives and abortifacients like the hCG hormone (human chorionic gonadotropin responsible for pregnancy maintenance), the anti-zona pellucida antigen (which destroys the entire eggs in the future vaccinated girl), the anti-sperm antigen for boys.
- Vaccination programs imposed without the possibility to control the exact content of vaccines or to choose a supplier other than the one imposed (OPS.)
- Condoms with micro-holes which facilitate the proliferation of AIDS and other STDs.
- The obligation to import Monsanto U.S. corn3 (or other huge grain lobbies such as Cargill, ADM, Dreyfuss, Bunge & Borne, Mitsui & Feruzzi) covering up to 30% of the national need.
- The imposition of manuals and sex education classes for the perversion of the youth in primary school.
- The trivialization of "sex”: sexuality is lowered to merely having "sex" and the pleasure it generates, that has to be maximized! Everyone is entitled to a satisfying sex life; and therefore everyone is free to choose their own sexual orientation: Heterosexual, homosexual, lesbian, bisexual, trans-sexual or zoophilous4, incestuous, pedophile5, sado-masochistic, etc.
- Policies to destroy the family institution: force women to work outside their homes, penalizing the family rather than helping it.
All these outrageous outlines are contained in their Charter of Sexual And Reproductive Rights6 for children and adolescents and presented to the UN by the IPPF, historic heir of the eugenics, supported by "feminist", "gay" and other NGOs. In fact, this "charter" has been imposed on governments of different countries under the name of «reproductive health laws» even before reaching economic pacts or cultural agreements, etc.
If eugenics has found a way to grow, it is because its proponents have found receptive ears in the U.S. federal government and the UN, and also abundant financing. These policies are conducted not with subtlety, but with great brutality, in developing countries: People are less informed, they lack money and cannot afford to sue those who attack them, that is to say big pharmaceutical or food lobbies, large private or public organizations, or international financial institutions.
Among the best known are the USAID and UNFPA, which depend on the U.S. and the UN respectively, IPPF or Planned Parenthood, World Food Program, World Bank, IMF, the USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture), WTO (World Trade Organization), WHO, UNICEF, the MSI (Marie Stopes International) now devastating Afghanistan. These organizations prepare legislation for governments in order to impose their own measures to eliminate the local population and get their hands on the riches of the country, mining being one of them7.
A propaganda poster from 1986: "Carry out family planning, implement the basic national policy". |
UNFPA has recently hit the headlines in Tanzania where local government refused a cargo of UNFPA delivering 10 million condoms, due to micro-pores in the latex membrane of these "rubbers." So they destroyed the cargo, which had a market value of $900,000. What is exceptional in this case is not the poor quality of the goods but the fact that they had been controlled!
Hidden truths
In developed Western countries, as well as in France, the media uses the great Masonic principles: "Make vicious hearts and you will get the bodies of young Christians," "corrupt, corrupt, let them breathe vice through the five senses," "lie and change the meaning of words, they will eventually think and behave as you want without even realizing it." Youth and children are thrown helplessly into perversion under the false pretense of «safe sex.» It is fiction, because we forget to mention the famous micro-holes in the condom. Many doctors in France have written papers on this subject and some books were also written, it is worth mentioning the work of the late Professor Lestradet. Many other scientists have also written about the lie of the condom. It can be observed that it pushes young people into sexual activity regardless of the laws of God; and in all the countries where condoms are used, the number of AIDS patients grows exponentially. Why? Because all condoms have micro-holes with a diameter of 5 to 10 microns; and the head of a sperm is 7 microns, slightly bigger than the holes. The tests of condom manufacturers include passing electrical ions, which can detect micro-holes with a diameter of at least 10 micros.
However the AIDS virus, HIV, is 500 times smaller than the head of a sperm. How can the condom «protect» someone then? Even worse: Condoms sold in Africa or Latin America are of such a poor quality that they are banned from sale in the U.S. Because it is well-known that in the United States, if a product causes a problem, the customer may take the manufacturer to court and succeed.
Abortion Imperialism
In contrast, in the Third World, people die before reporting the abuses they suffer. For example, during the systematic campaigns of forced sterilization that took place in all poor countries (Africa, Latin America, from México to Chile and Argentina) after giving birth in public hospitals, if a physician does not convince the mother to be sterilized, he puts in place one or two IUDs without their knowledge. They even practice up to 30% of caesarean sections, because it allows them to perform a tubal ligation. In the «maquiladoras» or factories in the free zones of poor countries like Asia and Guatemala, which manufacture clothing, jeans, computer components, shoes, etc. for Nike, Adidas, Nestlé, Levis and unscrupulous multinationals, the condition of employment is to have the tubes ligated; or doctors under the pretext of offering free pap tests to young female workers take the opportunity to put in place IUDs without their knowledge. In Ecuador, in textile and clothing workshops, it is a common practice for doctors to walk by every sewing machine where a woman works and inject them with Depo-provera (abortifacient «contraceptive» with a quarterly effect) telling them that they are only vitamins. U.S. forces have done the same after September 11 in Central America where, to thank those countries for their cooperation in the fight against "terrorism," they have kindly dug wells in which they placed long-term contraceptive products.
There is tremendous pressure on rural women who make up 90% in some countries. In Peru, Guatemala, 90 to 95% of people can neither read nor write, and therefore, for them, a doctor is a respectable authority. The latter exert continuous pressure on women in all the "Health Centers", I have often found. Doctors and nurses are trained on how to convince women to undergo sterilization by saying: "If you don’t accept to have it done, you will not be entitled to the emergency service... or food aid... in your next childbirth."
In Europe, we find the same trend, more discreet and designed especially for immigrant women who perhaps won’t have the means to defend themselves. I also met many French or Maghreb pregnant women who suffered extremely aggressive and constant pressure to have a tubal ligation, and who realized, as Mrs. X did, a woman of Maghreb origin and mother of 3, while living in Paris, that her French doctor (a woman), after having imposed an unnecessary caesarean section, had sterilized her against her and her husband’s will. Furthermore, this gynecologist woman had rudely pushed her during the whole pregnancy to kill her baby. And all this in reputable facilities of the Paris region!
It is essential to help these people to take court action, in order to prosecute the doctors and sponsors of this ideology.
In the Third World, it is a systematic practice, and women who have undergone tubal ligation against their will do not know why they don’t have any more children, and they don’t tend to worry right away.
One or two years later, they show their concern and they are told: "who knows, it is probably due to something you ate, something contaminated, etc." and then, very often, and I can attest to it because I’ve seen it in my ministry as a priest, a woman has severe pain in the lower abdomen and loss of blood, so she goes to the doctor:
"-How long have you had it?
- Have what?
- Well, your IUD...
- What?
- You have an IUD in your uterus...
- And who put it there?
- I don’t know, but it is there."
And we discover that it is always during a stay in "Social Security Centers," public hospitals or their equivalent, that women had the IUDs inserted.
Countries who deal with these organizations have quotas to meet, to continue to receive loans. For example, Mexico has less than 100 million inhabitants. It cannot exceed this figure. We need to consider that, out of 100 million inhabitants, there are 50 million women, if we take out the women under 12 and those over 48 years that are no longer fertile, you get at least 30 million women. Over that figure, Mexico has an annual quota of 500,000 tubal ligations or vasectomies and 300,000 IUDs insertions. This amounts to 800,000 people, that it may be rounded up to 1 million, because there are other techniques that are practiced. Doctors are therefore asked to practice 1 million of such operations a year, and they are monitored by what are called "controllers." I have a doctor friend in El Salvador, who was a controller himself for the Government as a gynecologist, on behalf of IPPF, but later on he converted to Christianity. He said to himself: "I’m either a Catholic or not." And he resigned: "I cannot continue: these things are against God."
When searching, we find a lot of laws, decrees, which were signed by presidents of the Republic – namely, I’m thinking about President Portillo of Guatemala, I know the problem because I have seen it several times, and in other countries. These are texts that have been published just one day in the Official Gazette, no one focuses on them. They are agreements made between the government – for example of Guatemala, or El Salvador, and the German federal state, or the Finish or Swiss one, etc. For example, the German government, through a very powerful organization called GTZ8; has as an only purpose that is to sterilize women. In this type of agreements (July 4, 2001), the German state agrees to send technicians and technical means in order to contribute to "gender equity," ("equita in genero" in Latin). It is a somewhat technical term, which in practice means promoting contraception and immorality among the youth, by all means. At the same time, the document states that the local government (Ecuador, Guatemala, etc.), prohibits any prosecution of the German experts dispatched, regardless of their actions. That is, these people, according to the agreement, cannot be arrested nor convicted in court, even if they violate or sterilize the women in question. Even if the women report and accuse them, the text says so in precise words: "The government undertakes not to pursue the GTZ, or German technicians." This gives an idea of the brutality of the agreement.
The birth control "vaccine"
The use of vaccines as contaminants or as a programmed side effect vector is a very attractive possibility to the eugenics population controllers and to large pharmaceutical companies as well. Since vaccination campaigns affect millions of people without raising any suspicion and can also earn them millions of dollars.
It is one of the "packages" that the World Bank forces Third World countries to accept: The package of vaccines and especially sterilizing and abortifacient immunizations.
This case is seriously and massively documented. For many vaccines, the World Bank and the WHO (World Health Organization) require health ministries in poor countries to vaccinate their people and buy their vaccines exclusively from the PAHO for Latin America - Pan American Health Organization, which is the barely disguised name of the WHO. The contract stipulates that governments have no right to analyze these vaccines. However, if they want to perform an inspection, they may do so only from three laboratories that rely exclusively on the World Bank. Whenever we have independently analyzed these vaccines given there, (Argentina, Nicaragua, Philippines, Mexico, etc.) – including vaccines against tetanus, diphtheria, smallpox, and more recently the BCG vaccine and the one against hepatitis B – we found that these vaccines systematically include the famous hCG or human chorionic gonadotropin. The contract imposed by the UNFPA and USAID provides that governments must vaccinate all pregnant women 2 to 3 times during their pregnancy – in France it is banned – as well as girls, (and not boys!) We realized that in 4 out of 5 cases the vaccine contained synthetic human chorionic gonadotropin.
It is a hormone that the child, just hours after its conception, sends its mother to be recognized and avoid being destroyed by the maternal immune system. When the mother's body receives it, it understands that this is not a foreign body to be eliminated or ingested by phagocytosis, but it’s a baby, and therefore it blocks the immune system to implant the embryo in the uterus. The "birth-controllers" place this slightly modified hCG hormone in vaccines. When immunizing the pregnant mother, she produces anti-hCG antibodies, which she passes on to the child, but the child in the womb has no immune system operating at that time. When the little girl is born, she is vaccinated with tetanus toxoid 6 times in the first year of life. Then doctors visit schools to revaccinate again, using the weapon of fear and ignorance. And after the first menarche they revaccinate all young girls and never the boys. It's scary. When the girl gets married, she will conceive a child who is going to send this same hCG hormone, saying: "Mom, I’m here!" - but instead of recognizing this hormone as a sign of the baby’s presence, the mother’s immune system will identify it as an aggressor; it will send antibodies to destroy this molecule, i.e. it will cut the vital contact between the child – immortal soul – and its mother. This has only one name and it is called a crime (induced abortion.)
I did some research on the subject in the medical intranet reserved for academic researchers with doctor B., embryologist in a large French Faculty of Medicine.
We found a research done in India, funded by large international pharmaceutical companies, by the Population Council, the Rockefeller Foundation and the International Development Research Center of Canada, which has been around for 33 years, by a certain G.P. Talwar, at the National Institute of Immunology in New Delhi, who studied how to put in vaccines the hCG hormone, avoiding a "cross-linked" effect with hormones such as FSH, LH and TSH that have the same Beta sub-unit as the hCG. For 29 years, from 1974 to 2003, he "produced" up to 50 articles a year. He has done a tremendous amount of work on a single topic: How to use conventional vaccines for abortifacient effects and eliminate entire populations without their knowledge.
This case was documented by very serious papers that were published on the WHO’s website9 and by prestigious scientific publications.10 The promoters do not hide these documents, because they know very well that as a consequence of their technical character and the lack of journalistic freedom, they do not run a high risk. This does not prevent the WHO to deny the use of these products without the knowledge of people, despite the accumulated evidence. Who could still believe them? The fact is that the expression "birth control vaccine" has been replaced by the more odorless term of "immunocontraception." Large financial resources are devoted to the development of techniques even more diverse than the rejection of the hCG hormone.
AIDS as a tool for population control
There is a strong controversy about the origin of AIDS: it is suspected that the AIDS virus was created from scratch by the CIA and the U.S. Army as part of the biological war, in the ultra high security laboratory P4 of Fort Detrick, in Maryland, USA, founded in 1977. President Nixon had already released, at the request of the Pentagon, $10 million in 1969 to produce cancer-causing viruses and a virus capable of destroying the human immune system in a short time, these viruses were experimented in 1977 on prisoners sentenced to death or life imprisonment in exchange for a promise of freedom in case of survival. We remember the massive vaccination campaign against hepatitis B performed on «gay» minorities of New York... followed shortly thereafter by the explosion of AIDS in such groups. This would also explain the onset of AIDS cases in 1979 from these same homosexual prisoners, released as promised in the «gay community» of New York11.
Today, according to another hypothesis, the AIDS virus would be the result of an accidental contamination of polio vaccines by the green monkey virus (SIV), manufactured on behalf of the Wistar laboratory of Philadelphia in 1957-59 and administered by the team of Professor Hilary Koprowski to 1.5 million children in Congo and Burundi (oddly enough, Wistar is one of Fort Detrick’s partners in the manufacture and testing of viruses for military purposes.) Edward Hooper in his book The River states that the regions of Congo where this oral vaccine against polio was massively administered in the 50’s are precisely the regions where they discovered the first cases of AIDS.12 Contamination of certain vaccines with viruses (the SV4013 or hepatitis) had already been proven.
Other facts14 are deliberately concealed to young people by governments and pharmaceutical companies. For example, the HIV / AIDS virus is more present in human saliva than in genital fluids and blood, and therefore the transmission through saliva exists – the famous «French» kiss with exchange of saliva, we find that in 95% of the cases there is also blood exchange after this kind of kiss. Infected leukocytes or white blood cells pass into the oral cavity at a rate of 1 million per minute and up to 10 million per minute. Because AIDS patients and women using the contraceptive pill often have gum infections, abscesses and ulcers in the mouth, the passage of infectious viruses in the bloodstream is very easy. As for the alleged short life of the virus outside the human body, it is enough to cite the study of the Institut Pasteur – Viral Oncology Unit – published in September 1985 by the journal The Lancet showing that this «fragile» virus is still infectious after 15 days at room temperature.
It is also transmitted by mosquitoes and other biting insects. 90 viruses or retroviruses transmitted by insects infect human beings. After a study of more than 5,000 insects captured in Central Africa, the presence of sequences closely related to HIV-1 in the DNA of many species of insects was identified. (Laboratory of molecular virology – Paris University, and Institut Pasteur 1990.)
In practice, whatever the true origin of AIDS is, we observe (see chart) that nearly three quarters of the people infected by AIDS belong to Sub-Saharan Africa.15 The second source of infection is South and South East Asia. By the end of 2001 there were 850,000 people infected in Communist China, because, it seems, of blood tests carried out with no hygiene procedures.
Therefore, Africa is the priority target of eugenics and China is the field of action of a Communist clique that wants to decrease the population. The AIDS epidemic is, for them, a quite conveniently timed disaster.
How to act in our country
Fist of all, justice is in God’s hands. He will act and bring victory, even if our countries are in a pitiful state and refuse to change their behavior. We must live in grace and remain faithful in prayer.
In addition, there is work to be done by all Christians: in the presence of this universal program of genocide and destruction of immortal souls, fiendishly organized and with millions of dollars available, we must learn and communicate, using modern communications methods such as forums and email, we must even convince the clergy to fulfill its mission by teaching properly, and we can also help the victims.
The mission of an association like La Trêve de Dieu is to help the victims of eugenics, supporting them so they can initiate civil actions and seek redress. It also aims at stopping the eugenics sponsors from acting with impunity and hiding in the shadows.
Members and supporters can find victims among their own relations and communicate to them this kind of proposal.
© TDD May 2003
1. Jaffe, Frederick S. 1969. Activities relevant to the study of population policy for the U.S. Memo to Bernard Berelson, March 11, 1969. In Elliott et al., 1970, and other convergent sources. These proposals were exhibited at the conference in Dhaka in 1969.
2. We find this position supported by the CEDAW (Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women) and the International Criminal Court which claims to be pro-abortion.
3. Monsanto is also a manufacturer of contraceptives and abortifacients, a variety of drugs, the "Roundup" herbicide and suicide seed (sterile hybrids), whether GMO or not. This group is very influential with the FDA in the USA.
4. Animals are considered “distant” cousins descending from the same ancestors.
5. Kinsey, author of the famous but fraudulent "Kinsey Report" in 1947, was a pedophile. Despite the Dutroux case, the promotion of pedophilia in the 60’s has not stopped. There is thus a strong emphasis to lower the age of sexual consent to 10 years.
6. "IPPF Charter On Sexual And Reproductive Rights" available at This document specifies the pro-abortion interpretation made by the IPPF of various UN documents and conferences. We discover that they claim to be defenders of the right to life, first by failing to state abortion as a violation of this right and also by advocating for "access to abortion" as a way to prevent maternal deaths, the typical lie of pro-abortion!
7. Kissinger wrote in 1974 the secret report NSSM n°200 to implement this policy. This report was declassified in late 1980. It justifies a policy of eugenics under the guise of defending the interests and the security of the U.S. in dealing with the risks of an alleged "overpopulation". This cynical trend had a precedent: The report of Georges Kennan, entitled PPS/23: Review of Current Trends in U.S. Foreign Policy, published in Foreign Relations of the United States, 1948, vol. 1, pp. 509-529 (see
8. Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit, Society for Technical Cooperation.
9. This is part of a special research program generously financed by: UNDP, UNFPA, WHO, the World Bank, the Rockefeller Foundation, Ford Foundation, the Hewlett Packard Foundation (see HP), the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (see Microsoft), the John Mc Arthur Foundation, Ted Turner (former head of CNN) and the Population Council (see and [2011: It can be seen in that "hCG immuno-contraceptives" are always a part of the budget of the WHO].)
10. For example in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA vol. 91, pp.8532-8536, August 1994, A vaccine that prevents pregnancy in women, available on: Also see (Update on Vaccines for Fertility Control, Dominique Bellet, 1994); there is even a specific publication, the American Journal of Reproductive Immunology!
11. See the numerous documents related to this controversy on an Internet search engine with the words «AIDS origin Jacob Segal spread healing» and "Leonard G. Horowitz emerging viruses AIDS Ebola WHO Africa".
12. The River: A Journey to the Source of HIV and AIDS, Edward Hooper, 2000. [2005 The controversy is well documented in and]; it reveals the inertia of the so called scientific community to carry out intelligent and documented challenges. Most of the times, maintaining a good reputation and good business deals prevails over honesty and truth-seeking.
13. Subsequently, batches of vaccines against polio were discovered between 1957 and 1959 to be contaminated with the SV40 virus of monkeys (the «simian virus 40».) Studies performed to date demonstrate the more and more numerous complications related to the SV40 and its widespread presence in tumor tissue from infants who died of brain tumor, medulloblastoma type – See the book «Le vaccin hepatite B en accusation ? Les coulisses d'un scandale» (Hepatitis B vaccine under accusation? The backstage of a scandal) by Sylvie Simon, Résurgence collection. From 1938 to 1942, some vaccines against yellow fever were also infected with the hepatitis B virus. Recently in Japan, the presence of the plague virus (made in USA) was discovered in smallpox vaccines.
14. See AIDS Rage and Reality - Why silence is deadly, Gene Antonio, 1993, Anchor Books, USA
15. Le Figaro, Le sida ravage plus que jamais l'Afrique (AIDS is ravaging Africa more than ever), Martine Perez, July 3, 2002.
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