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Contraception, a big manipulation

Echoing the studies of IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer, WHO), the press spoke in 2005 about the carcinogenic aspect of hormonal contraception. It was following the rather abrupt stop of the HRT (hormonal replacement therapy) in the treatment of menopause, which are carcinogenic in the same way. A new meta-study was thus published in October 2006 giving the details on the risk of breast cancer associated with these pills (cf. “Oral Contraceptive Use as a Risk Factor for Premenopausal Breast Cancer: A Meta-analysis").

Because the carcinogenic aspect of the contraceptive pills is actually known since many years, in spite of the denials of the manufacturers, the prescribers, the women's magazines, and the politicians. More than 150 women are killed per annum in France. Without counting 4300 (and more) women dying from breast cancer per annum in France, a much higher number than before the “pill”.

Why is not there more buzz about it? Because there is a great misinformation on this subject. The French State follows since more than 30 years an anti-family policy, it wants to weaken the families. The manufacturers are happy with the money they make and the women's magazines are happy to tell fabricated gossips to their decreasing number of customers who like it.

On the other hand, we are free: we do not receive a penny from the State nor from the manufacturers, and we prefer to tell the truth, even when it is unpleasant.

Since 30 years there is a news-speak telling that a widespread use of contraception would limit the number of abortions; it is a myth because the opposite is always observed: the use of contraception multiplies the number of abortions, surgical and chemical.

This site thus tackles the subject of contraception, putting it in the perspective of a political context, the context of the “sexual revolution” which is far from being a “liberation” and which in fact is contrary to the interests of women, children and the population in general. The consequences of this revolution impact everyone: the ageing of the populations, the bankruptcy of the retirement systems, abusive taxation, etc… Contraception is truly the weapon of mass destruction of this revolution.

Perhaps you are thinking this is an exaggeration: take a moment to study and check the arguments and the data sources we bring into this website…

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