Family attacked by contraception
The family is the oldest institution; it is also very strong and has resisted tyranny, communism and barbarism. Maybe that is why it is so unfairly attacked. These aggressions are physical, to the property and to its role.
Physical elimination of children
Contraception physically eliminates children already conceived, because of its abortifacient
effects. Thus we can estimate the number between 400,000 to 2
million per year in France. And to that number we have to add
250,000 declared abortions. The children thus eliminated will not
strengthen their families, nor pay the retirement of their aging
To achieve this, the value of having a child in the eyes of adults needs to be really
displaced. This social bond that was destroyed by violence, can only
produce more violence.

105 countries surveyed between 1990-2001
TFR: The average number of children a woman would have during her
lifetime if current age-specific fertility rates remained constant over
her reproductive years.
Contraceptive prevalence: The percentage of married women ages 15-49 using any
method of contraception (not including folk or traditional methods other than
withdrawal and periodic abstinence.)
Sources : Demographic and Health Surveys, Reproductive Health Surveys, and
other comparable surveys Population Reports
There is a clear correlation between the use of contraception and the fertility
rate, expressed in number of children per woman. The opposite figure
published by USAID shows it.
Most Western countries are at a level below 2.15 children per woman. Such
level being necessary for simple population replacement purposes.
In practice, this means that family solidarity will be put to the test: it is always the
children, who, one way or another, attend to the needs of their
elderly parents, and that burden will weigh heavy for the children
of small families. Social retirement systems will not change a
thing: they are virtually bankrupt because they work on financial
"artifices". 2006 will mark an important turning point in
France: the retirement of baby-boomers coupled with the dispersion
of their descendants will only lead to high tensions in the payment
of pensions.
Therefore, there is a strong probability that legal euthanasia for old people will be
legalized to reduce the financial load.
Deprived families
Economically, a child is an
investment on the future. And a population that has abandoned its
faith in God is inevitably afraid of the future. However, lack of
investment leads to misery and the materialization fears.
A lot of people say they want to limit the number of family members
due to the lack of income. It is true that people’s
revenues are largely cut down due to poorly managed payroll taxes,
and rate and tax burdens which are also poorly managed by wasteful
State governments that are heavily indebted.
It is also true that there are
some family allowances, but if we compare them to the corresponding
withholdings: the system pretends to be doing us a favor with the
money it takes from us.
The introduction of women to the work force took place in France at a
time when the tertiary sector lacked cheap manpower. We have
devalued the maternal role, under the false pretend that typing or
tightening bolts outside the house for a miserable wage is
"fulfilling." The pseudo-feminists advocated the
abandonment of the status of being a mother while claiming to be
oppressed by a "Judeo-Christian" society. This
antisemitism was in fact misplaced: Paganism, together with the
Renaissance, is the responsible for degrading women. A clear, though
distant example of this in France is that women were granted the
right to vote in 1946.
It is not easy to have a job outside and
still take care of your children’s education.
The model for family exploitation is Communist China: it is imposing by force (with the complicity of the UN) abortion, sterilization and contraception, so that women can be better exploited in the State factories, for pittance. This model had been devised by Lenin. It can only lead to collapse.
In addition, do not forget that in France, even death is taxed: what remains after the death of parents who worked all their lives and who have paid VAT, charges and other levies, is still subject to taxation on inheritance, depriving children of a needed capital for their own families, making them dependent on banks.
The usurpation of the role of families
Raising children is the parents’
responsibility. The welfare state system, which impoverishes
families, prevents them from ensuring their education.
So, they are often sent to public schools, where they will be
indoctrinated to become tiny socialists devoted to the Sate, to
reject any religious values of their parents, and to soon become
clients of the sexual revolution. Indeed, the pseudo-sex education
which is delivered in public schools encourages them to experiment
in an irresponsible way, with the promotion of a contraceptive
mentality at the end of it all.
There are also attempts to redefine the family as any set of people, in models arbitrarily defined according to the fashion of the day. This has led to the breakdown of normal families (one man + one woman and children) and the encouragement of single-parent families or stepfamilies. But the single-parent family is a difficult reality in which (mostly) women have to fight alone for the subsistence and education of their children. And those children lack a strong parental model, which leads them more often than not to delinquency.
Contraception is an essential tool
of the sexual revolution that seeks to enslave people by appealing
to a sexuality diverted from its object.
Families who want to survive this system, have to resist, and refuse
contraception, defending their prerogatives in education and
honoring their elders. It takes courage, hard work and faith: the
Providence of God the Creator is a reality that must not be
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