The Positions of Secularism on Contraception
Secularism includes several
religions, some of them being atheists. They all have "liberalism"
in common. We speak here of liberalism in the philosophical sense, it
has nothing to do with economic liberalism: the only economic system
compatible with Christianity. The word "liberal" itself is
based on a misunderstanding: it comes from the word "freedom,"
but in the case of philosophical liberalism it means being
"liberated" from God and His Law; and in the other case,
economic liberalism, it means to live within the freedom defined by
There are several categories of Liberals, all inspired by "The
Enlightment" of the 18th century: liberal atheists or agnostics,
liberal "Jews" (Reform Jews), liberal "Protestants,"
liberal "Catholics," etc. These last two categories
represent [in the West] the most harmful ones, because they have
betrayed and contaminated the Churches that had nourished them.
They all consider that it is man, and not God, who determines and forges
reality, meaning, ethics and law (as Satan promised in Genesis
"Liberal Christianity"[1] is part of a larger movement, which is religious, political and cultural, founded first in Europe, and then in America on a secular humanistic world view. Historians and theologians call it "Modernism" for the simple reason that these liberals have adopted the secular world view that is currently so popular. Indeed, they have adapted their teachings to reflect the spirit of the age, which as a result, eroded the faith in Christ and the Bible, coupled with a new faith based on Progressivism and Naturalism. Therefore, a faith in Mankind.
The “discoveries” of man in the fields of science, industry, social and economic sciences
are expected to generate a humanistic millennium. Among the common
characteristics of this modernism, there is the belief in Darwinian
evolution, spontaneous generation of the world, government control
(communism, socialism, and social fascism), negative higher
criticism, historical and ethical relativism, and subversive
Its great prophets are Darwin, Marx and Freud, and each day additional findings
demonstrate their quackery.
Even today, new forms of modernism
continue to destroy Christian institutions (e.g., The Fuller
Seminary) and organizations (e.g. The Protestant Federation of
France, and some Evangelicals.)
Actually, liberalism cannot be Christian,
because it rejects the very foundation of Christianity, even if it
mimics the forms and the language.
The Fruits of Liberalism
Liberalism generally provokes legislative diarrhea and the tyranny of political regimes: the extreme examples are Louis XIV, Robespierre, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao and Pol Pot. And it is well known that Liberals want more government and bureaucracy to regulate, levy taxes and indoctrinate the population. Faith in the ultimate authority of man leads to absolute slavery under human tyranny. The love the liberals profess for "democracy" simply reflects their [vain] attempt to exorcise this inevitable tyranny.
For liberalism, man is just an evolved animal. Therefore, Darwin is the real founder of modern eugenics. If as he claims[2], man descended from animals, there would be superior races and inferior races, and no dialectic could invalidate this. The obsession and guilt that the Liberals have, in a hysterical way, about racism only reflects their great contradiction: they claim to be fighting against racism while creating it.
Liberals replace the Christian eschatology of the victorious Kingdom of God with the Progress of Science. But this scientism mythology is flawed, and they do not dare to believe in it too much: the two world wars have ridiculed it. The advances in savior science have produced with great efficacy total war and mass genocide. And then science discovers, with quantum mechanics, that it knows less and less of what it talks about: what is matter, if not a system of stable laws of divine origin?
Liberals say that there is no absolute dogma, that everything is relative and that there is a plurality of contradictory views, all equally true. But that is precisely a dogma. This absurdity leads modernism to an impasse. And we have Derridas and others to thank for having demonstrated in post-modernism that the roots of liberalism are self-destructing[3].
Nevertheless, in order not to lose their audience too quickly, Liberalism continues to use a "Christian" language, similar to the one used in Christian morality. But, it does so with great intellectual dishonesty, deliberately hiding everything that, in fact, calls into question its humanistic secularism.
Contraceptive Liberalism
And how does contraception fit in all this? It is the tool that Liberals have dreamt of to advertise their point of view, but this "progress" is in itself its own destruction:
- Contraception affirms the claim of the "sovereignty" of man, against the authority of God who disapproves of it. But man has no means to impose his claim: History is and will always be under the control of God, man is just mortal dust.
- Modern contraception was invented and implemented by eugenics to establish a "voluntary unconscious selection,"[4] meant to improve Darwin’s "natural selection". The propaganda that has tried to convince everyone of the "overpopulation" in the Third World is an additional form of racism against the so called "inferior" races. The irony of History is that the populations in favor of Liberalism, particularly in Western societies, massively use contraception and therefore will disappear in less than a century[5] (numerically, culturally, religiously, economically, and politically.)
- Contraception is advertised as a way of women’s liberation, freeing her from a biological point of view as well as in regard to the unnatural relations that she may choose to have with men. In practice, it allows for an even greater male irresponsibility, and it prevents a large majority of women from experiencing their femininity: when they want to have children, it is too late.
- Contraception promotes the weakening of the family institution, which is the core of society. This increases the intervention of the State in areas that are not its own, such as encouraging women to find jobs, so they are deprived from having children and end up employed in heavily taxed jobs[6]. This is also how the welfare state will self-destruct: by removing children, no one will be able to feed this Leviathan or pay the pensions promised to the old, who will then discover that all their hopes were for nothing, and that the State is no god.
Faced with the immorality of contraception, Liberals claim there are only relative morals.
Faced with the fact that contraception is abortion, Liberals declare that abortion suits them,
that only the result counts.
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The marquis de Sade (1740-1814) is one among the rare liberals to have experienced liberalism in its ultimate consequences: the rejection of any law and the satisfaction of every desire. His philosophy is at the heart of the contemporary western culture. |
Faced with the disasters caused by "modernism," Liberals always accuse their opponents:
- After having invented the colonization to bring the Light to the "savages," they blame the errors of the settlement on non-liberals;
- After having rejected God and His Law, which made evil grow, Liberals seek a good reputation in leading spectacular fights against racism and in defense of children. Two examples among others: Voltaire was the apostle of freedom and he had interests in the black slave trade in Nantes, and Rousseau prided himself on teaching skills when he had abandoned his 5 children;
- By reviving nationalism (which replaces the sovereignty of God with that of the States) Liberalism has led to totally stupid and unjustified world wars; Liberals blame this mess today on those who are less liberal than them, and they actively promote diversity and the rejection of the roots. However, at the core, Liberals are always nationalists who demand that the god State protects them from foreign competition and wages war against new "villains."
- After having created Nazism, Liberals accuse Catholicism and describe National Socialism as reactionary, while history shows that it was revolutionary and anti-Christian (like the Liberal movement); the Liberals were also the ones who wanted to restrict immigration to «preserve the race» from the 1920s on;
- After setting up, like Mussolini or Lenin did, a welfare State that destroys the economy, Liberals accuse private companies for creating unemployment and exclusion;
- After treating women as an object or an animal since the Renaissance, Liberals accuse Christians and claim to be feminist since the 1920s, but this pseudo-feminism brings misery because they are anti-family and pro-abortion.
Faced with the collapse of the welfare State in which they had placed their faith, Liberals will be euthanized by such benevolent and failing state to prevent them from suffering -- and especially to reduce costs.
Who will cry for them? Certainly not the few children they did not abort, to whom they have transmitted their nihilism and cruelty, and who will be delighted to get rid of the "old" to recover the inheritance they consider their own.
However, if Liberals admit they were wrong from beginning to end, and they stop rebelling against the Creator, then they still have an opportunity to enter life...
1. See for example the site of the «Association pour un Christianisme Démocratique et Libéral» (Association for a Democratic and Liberal Christianity), and for the Catholic branch, the "International Movement We are Church". Also see and in English: A typical example of liberal grouping is the "Fédération Protestante de France" (Protestant Federation of France); one can read in its creed under "Bible only" the following paragraph: "The biblical texts draw general principles from which every Protestant, individually, and every Church, collectively, traces the scope of their loyalty." This is an obvious subversion of the true Protestant "sola scriptura", as we see here that the man is who traces the scope of his loyalty, and not God: it is therefore the affirmation of the supreme authority of Man and not of the Scripture, as the title misleadingly says.
2. Darwinism and the evolutionary theory are also flawed. It is indeed a theory that has not yet found any evidence of its veracity. It even contravenes the laws of thermodynamics and simple common sense. This theory has only spread because "Liberal" Christians accepted it without judgment, but their decline predicts its future abandonment. A huge controversy has started in the USA and good works are beginning to be published on the subject, like "Defeating Darwinism by Opening Minds", and "Darwin on Trial" by Phillip E. Johnson.
3. The great reformed theologian of the 20th century, Cornelius Van Til (1895-1987), had, before Derrida, identified the inherent irrationality of Western secular philosophy. His presuppositional apologetics opened the way for other thinkers regarding the renewal of Christian thought, and from there, to the Christian reconquest of minds and society (see "Derrida, Van Til and the Metaphysics of Postmodernism" by Jacob Gabriel Hale, and "Secular Humanism" by Brian Schwertley.)
4. Eugenics Review, April 1956, v.48 n°1, quoted in and
5. See La crise de la famille, (Family Crisis) by Évelyne Sullerot, 1999. Mrs. Sullerot, former Protestant liberal militant of contraception, co-founder of the French subsidiary of the Eugenics Federation IPPF, discovers the consequences of the policy she had promoted, to the displeasure of those who continue to believe that abortion and contraception would be glorious feminist conquests!
6. It was already the idea of Lenin with the legislation of abortion and contraception in the Soviet Union in 1920: It was necessary that women worked in the factories that the State nationalized. The images of the countries of Eastern Europe from the Soviet era are shocking because of the mistreatment of women, for example when we see women wielding jackhammers at worksites. What a liberation! Unfortunately, the same type of totalitarianism is currently found in Communist China, where forced abortion and sterilization are the tools the State uses to impose its foolish "one-child policy" – with the assistance of the UN.
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