The Pill kills women
The secondary effects of these hormonal products are important. Many cancers (cervix, breast) are promoted or caused by these «contraceptive» pills. There are also heavy heart related accidents, and we lack space to discuss glucose intolerance, blindness, dumbness, liver toxicity... A recent study on 46000 women during 26 years* demonstrates a greater death rate through cardio-vascular sicknesses or through cancer among the pills users. These secondary effects are generally minimized by the ones making money with these products.
But, the environmentalists are denouncing the use of estrogenic disruptors in plastic, paints, pesticides and "contraceptives". They provoke an atrophy of the male sexual organs and the generation of feminine hormones in some male animals. Even the decreasing of the male fertility rate of men would originate here! And the doses found in nature are much lower than the dose imposed to a woman taking the pill!
The industrial pollution is accused, although the cancers of the cervix grew 50% during the period the hormonal "contraception" was introduced in the West: in the Eastern European countries and in Japan where it was not introduced, their rates of these cancers are much lower than in our West, even if they have a much bigger industrial pollution!
One more time, the truth was concealed!
* Le Figaro, Jan. 8, 1999: "the mortality rate, through brain attack, accident or suicide are clearly increased with this contraception. (...) we observe under the pill a growth of the cancers of the liver (126 with users vs 34 with others), of the cancer of the lung (107 in the first group, 71 in the other one) and of the cancer of the cervix (115 in the first group and 57 in the other one) (...) the risk of lung cancer is multiplied by two and and the risk for cervix cancer by four for the women having used the pill during more than 10 years."
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