Endangered health of
women and children

The articles gathered here demonstrate that contraception is harmful to the health and physical integrity of populations, and thus to each potential customer.

Each one of these articles provides evidence on what is really happening. But the facts are rarely disclosed by the French television and press, or they are construed in a dishonest way:

  • AIDS is Africa’s open wound. The WHO has tried to suggest that this is due to disordered sexual behaviors of the African population. Our articles, which are based on undeniable evidence and field studies, show that in fact UN agencies try to conceal their responsibility for the magnitude of the epidemic.
  • The RU486 is generally presented as a reliable drug-induced alternative to surgical abortion. Reality is a lot more sordid. Women die like flies and it was predictable and foreseen. Read their story.
  • Condoms do not "preserve" much, despite the free publicity shown on TV. This is demonstrated by the CDC, despite its political will to say nothing.
  • UNICEF is an accomplice to the wild experimentation of vaccines trafficked to make abortive products in Nigeria, as elsewhere previously.
  • Breast cancer is not only multiplied by HRTs (hormone replacement therapies) and contraception, but also by abortions.

No one will defend your health better than you. Not even the French State and certainly not the UN. The UN has obvious eugenic goals and a thirst for money and power. The French State looks for its own interests, at the expense of credulous citizens.

  • The section entitled "the governliars" outlines the misinformation on the nature of hormonal contraception.
  • The section entitled "exposing the state’s propaganda" answers one by one the misinformation campaign that the French State has prepared against you using your own money.

Thanks to the Internet, you have the means to inform yourself more seriously about the real truth of things. Do you still have an excuse to fall for the misinformation which is being pushed out by the media?

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